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Right Perception of 'failure'?



Do you have the right perception of 'failure'? (A lesson from my Personal Trainer)

Keeping physically fit is my #1 priority in life

But around this time of year, with colder and darker mornings, I know I find it harder to find the motivation. So every year in November, I engage a PT to keep me accountable through the tricky months

But the biggest lesson I've ever learnt from my PT isn't a physical one.

It's that within the walls of the gym... 'failure' has an entirely different meaning.

Failure is celebrated and encouraged.

You're always pushing to your point of failure, because that's where the muscle growth is.

Every session, your GOAL is to FAIL (imagine that?!) because only then do you know you've pushed as hard as you possibly could.

The word 'fail' is thrown around so often, that it now has an entirely different meaning in my head.

I know I've taken this mindset into my work, and I know myself and my team will feel much more psychologically safe as a result.

What's your definition of 'failure'?

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