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Are wealthy children really advantaged



I want to narrate this with my own personal experience

Case 1:

I had a school friend who belongs from a business family who are multi-millionaires. I remember he was dropped off to school in a Skoda and he used a parker pen. The funny thing tho was that he had nothing to write during exams.

His parents wanted to send him to the US for higher studies.

He however failed to complete his graduation, dropped out and does nothing at all the entire day except for hanging out with a similar bunch of friends.

Case 2:

I also had a friend who’s father worked as a police constable, we both studied in the same coaching class when we were in school. I remember, when I visited his home their toilet didn’t had a door and they used a cylindrical water tank as their toilet door. I still remember, he always used a 2 rupee pen and a cheap register with really rough pages, yet always scored highest marks in tuition tests. Today he works as a consultant for one of the top financial firms in the US.

Case 3:

I also have a friend who’s parents are as wealthy as the one mentioned above, but he is making his parents proud by taking his business to the next level. He was not that good in studies but he was an ambitious person who wanted to achieve something in life. He utilised his knowledge wealth and strong connections to grow their family business and continues to do so.

Case 4:

I also know a close relative of mine who was as poor as the one mentioned above however that didn’t affect his attitude at all, he still is as lazy as he was before and sits at home all day being a burden on his parents. Luckily, his elder brother has a decent job and he takes care of the parents.

While I have mentioned only 4 cases here, I know a lot more people from all the above 4 classes.

What conclusion would you draw from the above cases?

That a person’s own attitude and goals matter than having wealthy parents.

Coming to the main question:

Are wealthy children really advantaged?

They are not technically at an advantage, they are just at comfort and ease.

If there are 2 kids, with same drive and same ambition to succeed and if one belongs to a rich family and other to poor then the rich kid will obviously have it easy while the later would have a tough journey.

The only disadvantage the poor would have is that they will have to fight for it while the rich would have to try less harder.

Having wealthy parents definitely makes things easier, but that should not be an excuse which keeps you from succeeding.

What matters more is internal drive and will within a person and no rich parent can buy and install it in their unmotivated kid.

There is absolutely no use of wealth if a person lacks drive, ambition and focus.

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